Suppress your Appetite with these foods

Suppress Appetite with Food

I don’t know about you but I have been on diets, I have starved myself, I have been anorexic, don’t tell me that weight is not an emotional disease, major mind games. If you are like me the minute you would think diet you started craving the very junk you were trying to avoid. Appetite vs. Emotional Hunger Games is the biggest challenge I think a person faces on a health and fitness journey. I am not a therapist or really feel I should talk to you about the emotional – mental part of dieting, I have been there but it is a scary place and a slippery slop, and you will need more help than what I have knowledge of. What I can do is talk about what I have learned about suppressing your appetite by the foods you consume.

Oatmeal is a food that is high in fiber and low in glycemic index which will keep your sugar levels from spiking and will keep you full longer.

Almonds are rich in antioxidants, magnesium and Vit. E. Just don’t overeat, watch for portion control.

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Coffee is one you probably wouldn’t think of, but studies show that coffee boost metabolism. As long as you are not using a ton of sugar and creamer in your coffee that is. Black is the healthiest way to drink your coffee, coffee beans have antioxidant properties.

Apples are better than other fruits because they have soluble fiber. That is fiber that will help regulate blood sugar, and sustain energy. Add some cinnamon and oatmeal for an amazing suppressing breakfast.

Avocados are a form of healthy fats which means it takes our bodies longer to digest. Also they are a great source for soluble fiber, which slows down digestion.

Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas) are all a great source of protein that are high in soluble fiber and slow the digestion of our stomachs.

Cottage Cheese is a great source of protein and it mostly casein. This type of protein is healthy and many trainers suggest eating due to it being lower in fat and good protein.

Lean Meat (chicken, fish) are high in protein and help you feel fuller b/c they take longer to chew which provides us psychological assumption of eating more.

Greens (salad, spinach, kale, celery, cucumbers, broccoli, peppers) all help to slow the release of glucose. These are a great sources of fiber, just make sure you do not add a ton of calories with a high fat salad dressing or fat free dressing, which is full of sugar. Go for the Vinegar dressings or have it put on the side so you can see how much you are using.

Flaxseed is high in fiber and one of the best plant sources of omega-3. The seeds need to be ground for our bodies to digest the nutrients, the shell can’t be digested.

Spices (Capsaicin), the ingredient that gives peppers their heat, can also help control your raging appetite. A recent study suggested that capsaicin-rich foods may help you consume fewer calories, plus they help support weight loss by suppressing your appetite and making you feel fuller.

Shakeology has all three qualities in one simple dose.  Dense Nutrition, Protein, and Fiber all compacted with many other Super Foods to make on great meal, while suppressing the appetite and kicking cravings to the curb.

3 Things to remember when wanting to eat appetite suppressing foods:
Lean Protein

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Popular liquid bases to use in your Smoothies

When making smoothies the liquid is one thing that is often overlooked, however  the liquid used for the base of your smoothie is as important as any other part.  Depending on the Liquid used will change the consistency and the nutrients of the Smoothie.  Sticking with just one liquid base gives your body the same nutrients over and over, which can be good, but why waste the opportunity to receive a variety of nutrients that can work in harmony with the lifestyle that you live? Wonder what Liquids you should be using for the base of your Smoothie, well here are the most popular choices.
Many confuse fatigue with lack of hydration. When you are properly hydrated you have more energy, not to mention how it flushes out the nasty toxins in your body. Water is essential for your body, and it’s simply good for you. Use water in your smoothies when you are looking for an easy, cheap, and simple base for your smoothie.


water heart

Coconut Water
If you are looking for an all-natural sports drink, then this is your pick says the sports world! Coconut water is filled with electrolytes and more potassium than 4 bananas, which are two nutrients your body craves when expending lots of energy (workouts). Low in calories, naturally fat, and cholesterol free, meaning that this is the liquid-base you want when working out. Coconut water is a clear liquid in the fruit’s center that is tapped from young, green coconuts.  Use it anytime to jumpstart your action-packed day.


Coconut Milk
Coconut Milk is derived from the flesh of the coconut, which produces a sweet and quenching liquid, but it is not the liquid inside the coconut that is Coconut Water. Though it is high in protein, fiber, and other micronutrients, it is also high in calories and fat. One cup of coconut milk can provide about 552 calories, which means that coconut milk is high in calories and also fat, so it should be consumed in small amounts.   Coconut milk may help to relax the nerves and the muscles, control blood sugar level, lower blood pressure and reduce joint inflammation.   Although Coconuts have healthy fats, limit your intake of foods that contain coconut oil if you suffer from high cholesterol or are at risk of cardiovascular disease.  Another words use sparingly or you could see weight gain and possible high cholesterol.


Coconut Milk: Benefits, Side Effects, Nutrition and Facts
Almond Milk
Almond milk has been used as substitutes from dairy milk for years.  Almond milk made from almonds, is low in fat, but high in energy, proteins, lipids and fiber.  Almond Milk is good for your kidney health, heart, muscles, skin, and the immune system.  If possible, find an unsweetened kind of almond milk to avoided added sugar.
Fresh-Squeezed Juice

When Juicing you are getting the fiber in the purest form of nutrients straight from the vegetable and fruit.  Many fresh squeezed juices offer beneficial antioxidants and helpful enzymes. They offer a variety of vitamins and taste good, too. One things to remember is their high sugar content. When using fresh squeezed fruit, be sure to use plenty of raw leafy greens and low glycemic (sugar) fruits (berries, peaches, apples) to balance out the sugar content. You can also add water to your juice base for example:  1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice (helps lower cholesterol and boosts heart health) and 1 cup water.


Rice Milk

The least likely of all the milk products to trigger allergies, it’s a good option for those who can’t drink soy, nut, or cow’s milk.  Though it is lacking in protein, it is fortified with calcium and low in cholesterol, which makes it a slightly healthier option than cow’s milk.  We can always make up for the lacking protein through various superfoods and leafy greens. It is naturally sweetened, fructose free, and goes great with your daily smoothie.

Green Tea
Green tea is a fighter against four of the biggest health issues in the western world: cancer, heart disease, weight, and diabetes. Green tea’s processing avoids the fermentation process which allows it to stay all natural antioxidants and poly phenols.  Poly Phenols are an antioxidant, known to rejuvenate skin cells, helps the lining of your blood vessels, lowers bad cholesterol,  is known for slowing alzheimers and parkinsons, helps with aging and those nice wrinkles we all get, and more. Amazing Right! Another thing to point out is that there is caffeine in green tea, so if you are sensitive to caffeine then one cup should be your limit.  Many use Green Tea as a means to transition away from Coffee in the mornings.


Green teax




Baking Soda Uses, You will be Surprised

Baking Soda is not only great for cleaning, cooking and for in the refrigerator, but so much more.  Sodium bicarbonate, known as Baking Soda is used as a Medical Treatment, whitening, itching and on and on.  As I was doing some research I came across some info that just shocked me and has me reconsidering that little white powder, maybe it is a Magical Mixture.  Baking Soda is not new to us, the Egyptians used it and it dates back to the 1700’s and maybe further.  I found Baking Soda can be used for all of these occurrences.

*A DIY body scrub. Yep you can use this to clean your body and also clean your pores.  Here is a recipe I found, fill a container with 2/3 coconut oil, 1/3 baking soda, and tea tree oil and scrub over your body in your bathtub or shower. The coconut oil is a natural moisturizer; the tea tree is a refreshing cleaner; and the coarseness of the baking soda will leave your skin smooth and silky.

*Alkalize your body.  The most common dosage is this, 2-3 Tsp per gallon of water.  Yep drink 2 tsp a day and you can  keep disease at bay.  Todays diets produce much more acidity within the body, which compromises immunity and causes a variety of health symptoms. Baking soda is an alkaline compound that reduces acidity in the body.

*One or two teaspoons of baking soda in an eight ounce glass of water twice daily is a common recommendation for people wanting to increase the alkalinity of their body. Of course, dietary changes are helpful too.  (Livestrong)

*Baking Soda  on bug bites to reduce the itching.  Mix baking soda and water into a paste and apply topically to the bite to remove the itch. This works for taking the ouch and itch out of bee/wasp/hornet stings, spider bites, etc.
*Baking soda will help clean and brighten many things.  Washing your towels with hot water, a cup of vinegar, and two tablespoons of baking soda, will not only get rid of residue, but it will increase the absorbance in the towel as well as restore its color.
*When you over indulge in Alcohol, baking soda has been known to be a hangover cure.  1 Tsp in a glass of water before you go to bed is supposed to reduce the chance of having a hangover.

*How about a relaxing foot bath. 1/4 cup of Baking Soda in some Hot Water and your feet will be revitalized and ready to go.

*Showing signs of a Cold or the Flu, well Baking Soda can help.  Take 1/2 Tsp six times a day on the first day of onset of a cold.  The next day you reduce to 5 times daily and so on.

*Of course we know you can use Baking Soda to brush your teeth, for whitening of teeth, and plaque busting.

*Our bodies actually produce Sodium Bicarbonate, in the pancreas.  So if we are not producing enough then we may be on our way to health issues.  Want to Detox try, 1 cup apple cider vinegar,  combined with hot hot bath water, and 1/2 cup baking soda will DETOX your body while having a relaxing bath.  Baking Soda reduces your lactic acid in your system and plain and simple it detox your system.

*Have Acid Reflex with no help from prescriptions.  Well you may want to alter your diet, no high fat, high preservatives, high cholesterol foods.  Try using Baking Soda, relief is known to happen within 60 seconds.  Baking soda readily dissolves in water and is absorbed quickly in the intestines. Known to be helpful for acid reflex, indigestion or an upset stomach.

*Cancer Treatment with baking soda, yes seriously, certain doctors are using it when chemo and other treatments have failed, the baking soda alternative is working.  Take a look at “Rich man poor mans cancer treatment,” a book all about baking soda and cancer.  Dr. Tullio Simoncini’s treatment is primarily used for cancer of the digestive tract, including cancers of the throat, colon, intestines, rectal area, and other cancers in between.  Baking soda has also been used for skin and external cancers.  Curious here is his link.

I have read enough that I will adding Baking Soda into my daily regimen.  I drink my Shakeology daily which help alkalize the body as well, but wow, I am just amazed at all the research being done on Baking Soda.

Well I hope you found this article interesting and useful.  Please follow my blog if you like family, health, and fitness.

Thank you and God Bless…