Temper Tantrum Techniques for the Busy and Stressed Parent

Temper Tantrum Techniques


As we are so excited to become parents and share our lives with these little bodies, we also have to learn with some difficult situations. When newborn I have had it both ways, one cried and screamed over everything, and being a baby she could not tell me what was wrong. Lesson Learned about colic and Airways (adenoids and tonsils). Or you can have the perfect little one who sleeps through the night early and is content just watching and observing. I have 3, and the first one was a picky eater from his first breath of life, we had what they called sundowning (he cried the same time of day, daily, in the evening). All and all I learned something new with all of them and I still am. Temper Tantrums are very intense and can be long and drawn out. Many of the experts I have read all comment on how keeping your cool works to defuse the situation.

When tempers flare as a person it can be hard to control your own temper, but as a parent it is vital that you learn to set a good example. Experts all agree that to handle a temper tantrum Time Out is a good tool to use. Removing the child from the stressful situation give them time to think about how they acted and what happen. We, as parents, may also need to take a time out. When your voice gets raised and you feel that anger boil it is best to say I am really upset right now and need a time out myself. Go into another room and take a break, this too will also help diffuse the situation and allow your child to see a good example of how to behave.

Another common tip was to take a breath, step back out of the situation and breathe! Teaching your child to recognize those situations and their own emotions can stop the tantrum before it starts. Talk to them about feelings, what they mean and how it is ok to react when they are mad, sad, scared, etc. As for a parent taking a breath allows us to get our ducks in a row, and calms our fight or flight response. Instead of getting upset and yelling, we can take a breath and decide the best action for the situation.

In teaching your child how to pick up on their emotion you have to teach them how to talk about what they are feeling too. For a little one that can be hard, hard to calm down, and hard to find the right words to make us understand what they are feeling and what they want. One thing I have found that works wonders with my 3 year old is to say “I know you are mad at mommy, I know you did not want to share that toy, but when we go visit them at their home, she shares her toys with you, so when they are here, we share with her.” (for example) I can see his face change as in ok, mom understands. For us parents, when used on occasion, using words can really change the moment. “OK guys Mommy is very upset, I need a moment.” This allows us to validate how we are feeling and gives us a brief break. (again the time out thing).

If you are having trouble understanding your child and have no idea what is going on, try letting them draw it out. Let them tell the story on paper with crayons and they can have a moment, distracts from the situation, and gives them an outlet for their frustration. You on the other hand may want to listen to loud music, go for a run, or even blog about what you have been dealing with. Get creative for both you and your child in how to express your feeling and what is going on in your lives.

Finally my favorite tip I have come across for dealing with temper tantrums is to change the mood. Instead of increasing the tense mood by you getting upset b/c you don’t like they way they are acting or understand why they are throwing a tantrum, change it. Continuing on that path will only exacerbate the situation, instead lighten the mood. I like to go “OH NO, Mommys tickle bugs are coming out, OH NO, here they come.” Distraction, Laughter, is truly the best medicine. When you hear your child laugh, it immediately changes your mood and it lightens your heart. For your child to laugh, they are no longer stuck on what was going on but are focusing on the fun of the moment.

I hope these tips help you out and as always please share and check out my Re-New You Health page on Facebook promoting Health, Happiness, Faith, Family, and Fitness.

Amanda Tiberghien FB


Thinking of Dieting, Well Do NOT Eliminate all Your Fats

I know when you think you are fat, well then you think you need to cut out all the fat in your diet. Well what seems like logic is a big mistake that will cause you to not achieve your goal.  Your body needs healthy fats and will actually strive off of them.

AvocadoThere are Different Types of Fat
1) Bad fats like saturated fats are high in cholesterol another unhelathy fat are partially hydrogenated oils.
2) Good fats like fish oils which are high in the omega 3, 6, and 9, that help your body and mind.

Your body needs all of these good fats in order to function properly. For example, they are used for proper brain function, heart and joint health, and even with  hormones (including the muscle building/fat loss ones like testosterone and growth hormone).  Without the good fats, the body simply does not work properly, fat loss stops and a variety of health problems can arise.

So How much Fat do you Need, Well??
I like to add 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil per meal in vegetables.  Or you can add it to your smoothie or Shakeology (which has healthy fats in it already).

If you do not like olive oil or salmon, eat grilled meats and vegetables but get in another source of good fats. For example have nuts, consume a couple servings of almonds, walnuts or cashews twice a day with any of your meals.  You can also add 2 teaspoons of fish oils or flax seed oil to shakes and smoothies.

Don’t think of dieting as limiting or restricting your foods but rather think of YOU making healthier choices.  Make a new way of Life that makes you feel better, healthier and happier.

Hope I inspired at least one person to enjoy life in a new light.  God Bless.

21 Day Fix Extreme Details

21 Day Fix Extreme Details

21 Day Fix is such a great program that many clients prefer to start their journey here.  You get your workout DVD’s, Nutrition Guides, Containers, Bonus DVD, Support Group and Beachbody Website Access, (depending on which deal you decide on).  With the program you get a mix of workouts for Cardio, Strength Training, Abs, Plus learning how and what you should be consuming, no counting calories or measuring foods, and still much more.  People have had such great results with the 21 Day Fix that Beachbody teamed up with Autumn Calabrese, the Celebrity trainer for this program, again for the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  The Extreme Version is a little more intense than the 21 Day Fix.  In this aspect I would recommend that you start with the first version and then up your challenge to the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  Anyone can start with the 21 Day Fix, there are such paths to take that can vary to your fitness levels.  If you are a beginner there is a modifier and Autumn goes over what to do if you feel you need more to eat.  For those looking for a challenge this also is a great workout to change things up and still push your limits.  Below I will be posting the links to the programs just so you can find them a little easier for purchase to start or continue your journey with Beachbody.

21 day result

21 Day Fix Extreme Base Pack without Containers

21 Day Fix Extreme Base Kit with Containers-USA

21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack for Customer-USA

21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme Combo-USA

21 Day Fix Extreme Ultimate Kit

21 Day Fix Kickstart Challenge Pack

21 Day Fix Extreme Combo Pack

Check Out Beachbody Website and have me as your FREE Coach




Popular liquid bases to use in your Smoothies

When making smoothies the liquid is one thing that is often overlooked, however  the liquid used for the base of your smoothie is as important as any other part.  Depending on the Liquid used will change the consistency and the nutrients of the Smoothie.  Sticking with just one liquid base gives your body the same nutrients over and over, which can be good, but why waste the opportunity to receive a variety of nutrients that can work in harmony with the lifestyle that you live? Wonder what Liquids you should be using for the base of your Smoothie, well here are the most popular choices.
Many confuse fatigue with lack of hydration. When you are properly hydrated you have more energy, not to mention how it flushes out the nasty toxins in your body. Water is essential for your body, and it’s simply good for you. Use water in your smoothies when you are looking for an easy, cheap, and simple base for your smoothie.


water heart

Coconut Water
If you are looking for an all-natural sports drink, then this is your pick says the sports world! Coconut water is filled with electrolytes and more potassium than 4 bananas, which are two nutrients your body craves when expending lots of energy (workouts). Low in calories, naturally fat, and cholesterol free, meaning that this is the liquid-base you want when working out. Coconut water is a clear liquid in the fruit’s center that is tapped from young, green coconuts.  Use it anytime to jumpstart your action-packed day.


Coconut Milk
Coconut Milk is derived from the flesh of the coconut, which produces a sweet and quenching liquid, but it is not the liquid inside the coconut that is Coconut Water. Though it is high in protein, fiber, and other micronutrients, it is also high in calories and fat. One cup of coconut milk can provide about 552 calories, which means that coconut milk is high in calories and also fat, so it should be consumed in small amounts.   Coconut milk may help to relax the nerves and the muscles, control blood sugar level, lower blood pressure and reduce joint inflammation.   Although Coconuts have healthy fats, limit your intake of foods that contain coconut oil if you suffer from high cholesterol or are at risk of cardiovascular disease.  Another words use sparingly or you could see weight gain and possible high cholesterol.


Coconut Milk: Benefits, Side Effects, Nutrition and Facts
Almond Milk
Almond milk has been used as substitutes from dairy milk for years.  Almond milk made from almonds, is low in fat, but high in energy, proteins, lipids and fiber.  Almond Milk is good for your kidney health, heart, muscles, skin, and the immune system.  If possible, find an unsweetened kind of almond milk to avoided added sugar.
Fresh-Squeezed Juice

When Juicing you are getting the fiber in the purest form of nutrients straight from the vegetable and fruit.  Many fresh squeezed juices offer beneficial antioxidants and helpful enzymes. They offer a variety of vitamins and taste good, too. One things to remember is their high sugar content. When using fresh squeezed fruit, be sure to use plenty of raw leafy greens and low glycemic (sugar) fruits (berries, peaches, apples) to balance out the sugar content. You can also add water to your juice base for example:  1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice (helps lower cholesterol and boosts heart health) and 1 cup water.


Rice Milk

The least likely of all the milk products to trigger allergies, it’s a good option for those who can’t drink soy, nut, or cow’s milk.  Though it is lacking in protein, it is fortified with calcium and low in cholesterol, which makes it a slightly healthier option than cow’s milk.  We can always make up for the lacking protein through various superfoods and leafy greens. It is naturally sweetened, fructose free, and goes great with your daily smoothie.

Green Tea
Green tea is a fighter against four of the biggest health issues in the western world: cancer, heart disease, weight, and diabetes. Green tea’s processing avoids the fermentation process which allows it to stay all natural antioxidants and poly phenols.  Poly Phenols are an antioxidant, known to rejuvenate skin cells, helps the lining of your blood vessels, lowers bad cholesterol,  is known for slowing alzheimers and parkinsons, helps with aging and those nice wrinkles we all get, and more. Amazing Right! Another thing to point out is that there is caffeine in green tea, so if you are sensitive to caffeine then one cup should be your limit.  Many use Green Tea as a means to transition away from Coffee in the mornings.


Green teax




Calorie and Exercise Mood Enhancers or Destroyers

Ever notice how your mood changes drastically day-to-day when you are watching your calories or limiting you foods. I am one of those people who want to eat Pizza like the rest of the family, but then comes the guilt and regret. Unfortunately I am one who just has to avoid these instances b/c if I start eating what I have deemed as “Not supposed to,” then I tend to way over eat. All of this boils down to my mood and then how I will be snappier with the rest of the family. My husband will bring home ice cream for the kids and that won’t bother me, but put cookie dough in the fridge and that is torture. I will think of it 50 times a day and have to fight myself on whether I am going to cave or hold strong.
So I used to think if you just ate less and exercised hard and long then you would be on the right track and lose weight. To me that was being healthy and doing what was necessary to lose the weight and get the body I wanted. Well that is not true, and I was so wrong. It is known that when you are “hangry” (hungry and angry) this can be due to lack of calories. Your brain chemistry affects your mood, which is affected by you not eating. A recent study in Biological Psychiatry noted that when you’re hungry, levels of the brain chemical serotonin — a neurotransmitter that regulates mood as well as appetite and sleep — fluctuate and make it difficult to control your anger. Turns out, being famished goes hand in hand with being frazzled. When researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, put women on a 1,200-calorie-a-day diet, they found that test subjects produced more of the stress hormone cortisol and reported higher levels of perceived stress. (fitness mag) Calorie intake depends on each individual’s body chemistry and activity levels. Make sure you know the amount of calories you should be having daily to be healthy and remember that exercise is good for you and your mood but not to over do it.
I used to go to the gym and workout for 3 hours at a time, leaving tired and accomplished but than later feeling like I needed to do it all over again. Your muscles need time to re-coop, to re build so you can become stronger and leaner. If you do intense workouts pushing too hard and lasting for a long time, then you are doing your body more damage then good. . “A workout that is too rigorous or lasts longer than 60 minutes can dramatically decrease blood sugar, which can affect mood and the ability to think clearly for days,” says Michele S. Olson, PhD, a FITNESS advisory board member and professor of exercise science at Auburn University in Montgomery, Alabama.
Another diet I used to do was limiting or cutting out any and all Carbs. Not necessarily the best way to go if you are trying to better your mood and be sane. My body would have withdrawals/cravings of nothing but sugar and grains. In fitness magazine I read that “people who followed low carb diets had higher scores on “anger hostility, depression, bewilderment” scales then those who followed low-fat diets.” Honestly right now I am going through a sugar hangover, I binge on sugar/carbs all weekend for a birthday and now that is all my body is craving, and I do not have the will and energy to get through my workouts like I was before the sugar high. Sugar is addicting, it stimulates areas in the brain linked to pleasure and addiction. So my journey to health, takes a new turn and I am back to avoiding situations where I may cave to sugar.
So what I have found is to feel good, be positive and get results you have to do the research and what works for you. I need to avoid foods that I seem to have less will power over, meaning let family and friends know that for Christmas it would be best not to make candies this year, or to have them removed from my house. Tell my husband to not be bringing home sugar snacks that I have a hard time with, the kids do not need them anyway. To figure out my correct calorie level depending on what workout I am doing at the moment. For instance if I am doing Insanity I will need more calories than if I am doing 21 day fix program. Finally you need to have a balance and variety of foods that you provide your body with. Omega 3 fats, carbs, Veggies, Fruits, nuts, healthy alternatives to the snack machines, these are all nutrients that need to be considered in my daily journey. No be healthy is not the easiest in the world, but I will say that even though each day may be a new battle I am ready and willing to keep striving for Health. One day at a time, One meal at a time, One workout at a time
I will get the body I deserve and the mind/mood that will keep me at my Goal. I love my workouts and without them my family would not like my mood, and I would be stressed constantly.  I hope this will help someone to start their Health Journey or during their adventure, keep up the good fight. Health is a Lifestyle not a diet, What doesn’t Challenge you won’t Change you. God Bless
you body with. Omega 3 fats, carbs, Veggies, Fruits, nuts, healthy alternatives to the snack machines, these are all nutrients that need to be considered in my daily journey. No be healthy is not the easiest in the world, but I will say that even though each day may be a new battle I am ready and willing to keep striving for Health. One day at a time, One meal at a time, One workout at a time
I will get the body I deserve and the mind/mood that will keep me at my Goal. I hope this will help someone to start their Health Journey or during their adventure, keep up the good fight. Health is a Lifestyle not a diet, What doesn’t Challenge you won’t Change you. God Bless

Baking Soda Uses, You will be Surprised

Baking Soda is not only great for cleaning, cooking and for in the refrigerator, but so much more.  Sodium bicarbonate, known as Baking Soda is used as a Medical Treatment, whitening, itching and on and on.  As I was doing some research I came across some info that just shocked me and has me reconsidering that little white powder, maybe it is a Magical Mixture.  Baking Soda is not new to us, the Egyptians used it and it dates back to the 1700’s and maybe further.  I found Baking Soda can be used for all of these occurrences.

*A DIY body scrub. Yep you can use this to clean your body and also clean your pores.  Here is a recipe I found, fill a container with 2/3 coconut oil, 1/3 baking soda, and tea tree oil and scrub over your body in your bathtub or shower. The coconut oil is a natural moisturizer; the tea tree is a refreshing cleaner; and the coarseness of the baking soda will leave your skin smooth and silky.

*Alkalize your body.  The most common dosage is this, 2-3 Tsp per gallon of water.  Yep drink 2 tsp a day and you can  keep disease at bay.  Todays diets produce much more acidity within the body, which compromises immunity and causes a variety of health symptoms. Baking soda is an alkaline compound that reduces acidity in the body.

*One or two teaspoons of baking soda in an eight ounce glass of water twice daily is a common recommendation for people wanting to increase the alkalinity of their body. Of course, dietary changes are helpful too.  (Livestrong)

*Baking Soda  on bug bites to reduce the itching.  Mix baking soda and water into a paste and apply topically to the bite to remove the itch. This works for taking the ouch and itch out of bee/wasp/hornet stings, spider bites, etc.
*Baking soda will help clean and brighten many things.  Washing your towels with hot water, a cup of vinegar, and two tablespoons of baking soda, will not only get rid of residue, but it will increase the absorbance in the towel as well as restore its color.
*When you over indulge in Alcohol, baking soda has been known to be a hangover cure.  1 Tsp in a glass of water before you go to bed is supposed to reduce the chance of having a hangover.

*How about a relaxing foot bath. 1/4 cup of Baking Soda in some Hot Water and your feet will be revitalized and ready to go.

*Showing signs of a Cold or the Flu, well Baking Soda can help.  Take 1/2 Tsp six times a day on the first day of onset of a cold.  The next day you reduce to 5 times daily and so on.

*Of course we know you can use Baking Soda to brush your teeth, for whitening of teeth, and plaque busting.

*Our bodies actually produce Sodium Bicarbonate, in the pancreas.  So if we are not producing enough then we may be on our way to health issues.  Want to Detox try, 1 cup apple cider vinegar,  combined with hot hot bath water, and 1/2 cup baking soda will DETOX your body while having a relaxing bath.  Baking Soda reduces your lactic acid in your system and plain and simple it detox your system.

*Have Acid Reflex with no help from prescriptions.  Well you may want to alter your diet, no high fat, high preservatives, high cholesterol foods.  Try using Baking Soda, relief is known to happen within 60 seconds.  Baking soda readily dissolves in water and is absorbed quickly in the intestines. Known to be helpful for acid reflex, indigestion or an upset stomach.

*Cancer Treatment with baking soda, yes seriously, certain doctors are using it when chemo and other treatments have failed, the baking soda alternative is working.  Take a look at “Rich man poor mans cancer treatment,” a book all about baking soda and cancer.  Dr. Tullio Simoncini’s treatment is primarily used for cancer of the digestive tract, including cancers of the throat, colon, intestines, rectal area, and other cancers in between.  Baking soda has also been used for skin and external cancers.  Curious here is his link.  http://www.curenaturalicancro.com

I have read enough that I will adding Baking Soda into my daily regimen.  I drink my Shakeology daily which help alkalize the body as well, but wow, I am just amazed at all the research being done on Baking Soda.

Well I hope you found this article interesting and useful.  Please follow my blog if you like family, health, and fitness.

Thank you and God Bless…

Need to change things up, Flavor Water Recipes are here

I’ve always liked drinking water, I was never really a strick soda person (maybe tea, orange or apple juice occasionally) but when I became a Beachbody Coach and realized how important water is to your body and to help you flush the toxins.  I decided I was going to research waters benefits and try to help those who would rather a flavorful drink! There are a lot of other ways you can flavor water naturally. You can get really creative with what you do! Here are some ideas I have gotten from a lot of different sites……

  • Add a slice of your favorite citrus to a tall glass of ice water…try lemon, lime, or orange slices. Or combine them…slices of lemon and lime…orange and lime…or Fresh Mint is a great addition.
  • Spice water up (literally!) with this tip: simmer a cinnamon stick in a cup of water, then use the resulting liquid as a concentrate that you mix with cold water and ice. Not only does the flavored water taste great, but cinnamon comes with a ton of health benefits; it can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • Combine lemon slices with fresh herbs in your water…try lemon with mint, rosemary, thyme, or sliced ginger root.
  • Cucumbers are great in water, too! Slice up a large cucumber and add it to a pitcher of water…it’s really refreshing. You can also try cucumber with some fresh thyme added in. Or cucumber slices with lemon or orange slices.
  • If you want a more intense flavor to your glass of water, squeeze the citrus and/or twist the herbs you are using before you add them to your glass.
  • Besides lemons, oranges, and limes, you can try adding other kinds of fruit to your glass or pitcher of water…a small handful of your favorite berries (or mixed berries) is a nice addition to a glass of ice water. Other fruits you can try alone or in combination are: watermelon, cantaloupe, mango, pineapple, grapefruit, grapes, and kiwi.
  • Add Flavored Ice Cubes, whether you freeze coffee, water and pomegranate arils, or pureed raspberries and pineapple, love the idea of following Stephanie Lynn to make flavored ice cubes for your water. They add a cool, refreshing burst—and also just look pretty!

NOTE: I usually drink my flavored water the same day I make it…I think it tastes best that way. Depending on what you add to your water, it may get cloudy or bitter-tasting if stored in the refrigerator too long.

If you’re wanting to make a pitcher of flavored water, you basically just slice or chop up some fresh fruit, cucumbers, or herbs and place in a pitcher, add cold water and chill several hours. The result is water infused with a light, natural flavor. It’s ready to serve over ice, garnished with a slice of fruit or clipping of an herb of your choice. Here are some other recipes for flavored water you may want to try:


  • 1 large lemon, sliced
  • 1 large lime, sliced
  • 1 large orange, sliced
  • 1 large cucumber, sliced
  • 1 half-gallon of water

Place all the sliced fruits and the cucumber in a glass pitcher and add water. Refrigerate for two hours to allow flavors to infuse, then serve in glasses over ice.


  • 5 cups water
  • 10 thin slices of cucumber
  • 2 lemon slices
  • 2 sprigs of fresh mint
  • 3 sprigs of rosemary

Put water in pitcher and add lemon slices and cucumber slices. Crush mint and rosemary to release flavor, then add to other ingredients. Refrigerate for several hours. Serve over ice in tall glasses. Garnish with a lemon wedge.


  • 1 large cucumber, sliced
  • 1/4 honeydew melon, cubed
  • 1/4 cantaloupe, cubed
  • 1 half-gallon water

Place cucumber and melons in a glass pitcher and add water. Refrigerate for 2 hours, then serve over ice. Garnish with melon balls skewered on a swizzle stick.


  • 2–3 slices of ripe honeydew melon
  • 1 lime, sliced
  • 4 sprigs of mint
  • 1 half-gallon of water

Add melon slices, lime slices and mint sprigs to a large pitcher; fill with the half-gallon of water and refrigerate 2–4 hours. Serve in ice-filled glasses. Makes about 8 servings.


  • 1 cup fresh blueberries, lightly crushed
  • 2  4–inch sprigs of fresh rosemary. lightly bruised  (to release more flavor)
  • 1 half-gallon of water

Add blueberries and rosemary sprigs to a large pitcher; fill with the half-gallon of water and refrigerate 2–4 hours. Serve in ice-filled glasses. Makes about 8 servings.


  • 3 large lemons, sliced
  • 1/4 cup fresh lavender
  • 1 half-gallon of water

Add lemon slices and lavender to pitcher; pour water over both and refrigerate for 2 hours. Serve over ice and garnish with a sprig of lavender.


  • 4 lemons, sliced
  • 1 1/2 cups firmly packed fresh mint or basil leaves
  • 6–8 cups water
  • 6–8 cups ice cubes
  • Fresh mint or basil sprigs

Place lemon slices in a large pitcher. Rub the mint or basil leaves between the palms of your hands to bruise the leaves slightly. Add to the pitcher with lemon and pour in the water. Cover and chill 1–8 hours.

Strain lemon–water mixture and discard herbs. Divide lemon slices and additional fresh mint or basil sprigs equally among 6–8 glasses. In each glass, add 1 cup of ice cubes, then fill with lemon water.


  • 1 large lemon, sliced
  • 1 large lime, sliced
  • 1 large orange, sliced
  • 1/4 cup cilantro leaves (optional)
  • 1 half-gallon of water

Add citrus slices (and cilantro leaves, if desired) to a large pitcher; fill with the half-gallon of water and refrigerate 2 hours. Serve in ice-filled glasses. Garnish with your favorite citrus slice (and a sprig of cilantro, if you’re using that). Makes about 8 servings.


  • 2 cups frozen apple chunks, grapes, or berries
  • 1 half-gallon of water

Add frozen fruit to a pitcher; pour water over fruit and let sit at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Stir to distribute fruit flavor and serve in glasses with some ice cubes. (Note: you can chop up the same kind of fruit, unfrozen, and follow same directions. You’ll need  to use more ice when serving the unfrozen fruit–flavored water).


  • 3 large oranges, sliced
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 1 half-gallon of water

Put sliced oranges and mint leaves in pitcher and add water; refrigerate for 2 hours to infuse flavors. Pour over ice and garnish with a sprig of mint and orange slice.


  • 2 cups seedless watermelon, cubed
  • 10 basil leaves
  • 1 half-gallon of water

Pour water over melon and basil; refrigerate for 2 hours. Serve over ice, garnished with a sprig of basil.


  • 1 each of the following fruits: apple, lemon, orange, pear
  • 4 large strawberries
  • Handful of raspberries
  • Handful of mint leaves
  • 1 half-gallon of water

Cut large slices or thin wedges of each fruit; place them in a large glass pitcher and add cold water. Refrigerate 2 hours and serve over ice in tall glass.

Stuck in a Plateau during Weight Loss and need Advice on how to Overcome

First and Foremost it is common to go through a Plateau during your Healthy Fitness Journey.  Normally a Plateau will last up to 3 weeks, and all a Plateau is when your body is checking your decisions {Are you sure this is what you want to do, this is the calories and workouts we want}.  Your body is an amazing piece of equipment, and protects itself for survival, we are always adapting and changing as our fitness levels do.  The best advice I can give you is to change things up, change your workouts, change your nutrition, like I stated your body adapts so if you stay with the same workout daily and then stick with the same number of calories, your body will start to modify so it uses the less energy and works more efficiently.  Therefore you are not burning as many calories, your body is only burning what is absolutely necessary.  Then if you try to cut calories to get the results you want, your body will adjust again and go into starvation mode by slowing down your metabolism.  So in other words, Do Not increase your exercise and then decrease your amount of calories, instead you need to adjust your workout and your nutrition.

Most of us know how many calories we need to lose or maybe just maintain weight.  So try Calorie Cycling, which is when you Zig Zag your amount of calories you take in daily.  Your calorie total will stay the same for the week but fluctuate daily.  For example you normally have 1600 calories daily, Day 1 you have those normal calories, then Day 2 you may have 1400 calories, and Day 3 you have 1800 calories {Zig Zag your calorie intake daily}.  Now remember your body will adjust so keep track and switch it up daily and weekly and when you hit a new Plateau then its time to switch it up again.

Another tip is to hold yourself Accountable, do a food journal, keep track of every thing you eat and drink.  After we have been doing a journey for a while we tend to slowly slack and head towards our old bad habits, not even realizing you are doing so.  Try doing Gluten Free for a couple of weeks or Dairy Free, just change it up and play with it to keep your body guessing what is going on.  So important to be accountable though, get a partner, join a group, and keep a food journal and document how you feel during these weeks you are changing things up.

While changing up your nutrition you can also change-up your workout routines.  One day lift weights, then do High Intensity Circuit Training, then throw in yoga or Pilates, and go to lifting again, cardio, change your schedule up so your body is always guessing, not just going through the motions but pushing and struggling through.  You should be constantly challenging yourself to  change yourself and see results.

Another tips is to take some time off, maybe a week or 5 days from your exercise routine and focus only on your nutrition.  Eat Healthy and Clean all week, no cheat meals….

Lastly you need to make sure you are getting good sleep (7-8) hours a night and try to reduce your stress level.  Stress can be from not getting enough sleep or enough calories, then your body is under stress.  Especially if you are trying to put it through a hardcore workout under those conditions.  There are also our daily life stressors, (work, boss, drive, neighbors, family, children, farm, whatever) and yes we all have them, but how do you manage them.  We need to learn to let our worries go to God and just be the best we can be.  Did you know that lack of sleep and your body under stress will cause you to store fat, yes what we are trying to avoid we can be telling our body to hold onto the fat instead of burning it off.

Remember to change things up, muscle confusion, nutrition confusion, if you want to change first you must challenge yourself.  Comment below if you found this helpful….

Thanks guys, and God Bless…

More Info on Shakeology at http://www.myshakeology.com/AmandaT34
