Suppress your Appetite with these foods

Suppress Appetite with Food

I don’t know about you but I have been on diets, I have starved myself, I have been anorexic, don’t tell me that weight is not an emotional disease, major mind games. If you are like me the minute you would think diet you started craving the very junk you were trying to avoid. Appetite vs. Emotional Hunger Games is the biggest challenge I think a person faces on a health and fitness journey. I am not a therapist or really feel I should talk to you about the emotional – mental part of dieting, I have been there but it is a scary place and a slippery slop, and you will need more help than what I have knowledge of. What I can do is talk about what I have learned about suppressing your appetite by the foods you consume.

Oatmeal is a food that is high in fiber and low in glycemic index which will keep your sugar levels from spiking and will keep you full longer.

Almonds are rich in antioxidants, magnesium and Vit. E. Just don’t overeat, watch for portion control.

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Coffee is one you probably wouldn’t think of, but studies show that coffee boost metabolism. As long as you are not using a ton of sugar and creamer in your coffee that is. Black is the healthiest way to drink your coffee, coffee beans have antioxidant properties.

Apples are better than other fruits because they have soluble fiber. That is fiber that will help regulate blood sugar, and sustain energy. Add some cinnamon and oatmeal for an amazing suppressing breakfast.

Avocados are a form of healthy fats which means it takes our bodies longer to digest. Also they are a great source for soluble fiber, which slows down digestion.

Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas) are all a great source of protein that are high in soluble fiber and slow the digestion of our stomachs.

Cottage Cheese is a great source of protein and it mostly casein. This type of protein is healthy and many trainers suggest eating due to it being lower in fat and good protein.

Lean Meat (chicken, fish) are high in protein and help you feel fuller b/c they take longer to chew which provides us psychological assumption of eating more.

Greens (salad, spinach, kale, celery, cucumbers, broccoli, peppers) all help to slow the release of glucose. These are a great sources of fiber, just make sure you do not add a ton of calories with a high fat salad dressing or fat free dressing, which is full of sugar. Go for the Vinegar dressings or have it put on the side so you can see how much you are using.

Flaxseed is high in fiber and one of the best plant sources of omega-3. The seeds need to be ground for our bodies to digest the nutrients, the shell can’t be digested.

Spices (Capsaicin), the ingredient that gives peppers their heat, can also help control your raging appetite. A recent study suggested that capsaicin-rich foods may help you consume fewer calories, plus they help support weight loss by suppressing your appetite and making you feel fuller.

Shakeology has all three qualities in one simple dose.  Dense Nutrition, Protein, and Fiber all compacted with many other Super Foods to make on great meal, while suppressing the appetite and kicking cravings to the curb.

3 Things to remember when wanting to eat appetite suppressing foods:
Lean Protein

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To have Refined Carbohydrates or Not to Have???

Refined Carbs to have or not to have???

There are basically two types of Carbohydrates, un refined (complex) or refined (simple). The simple explanation is that refined carbs are those that get processed and altered with artificial chemicals and sugars, and therefore the nutrients are stripped, meaning either reduced or completely eliminated. Un Refined Carbs are those that are full of fiber, proteins, fats, they are left in their natural state, and beneficial to the body.

good food (4)

Refined carbs include sugary sweetened beverages, fruit juices, pastries, white bread, white pasta, cereals, cakes, sweets period, biscuits, white rice and others. Numerous studies show that refined carbohydrate consumption is associated with health problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. With artificial sweeteners this type of carb is addictive and full of empty calories. What do you mean empty, Meaning that refined carbs have little to no nutritional value and are known to be detrimental to the health of your body. They tend to cause major spikes in blood sugar levels, which leads to a crash that can trigger hunger and cravings for more high carb foods, hence the addiction. Which is where we get the “blood sugar roller coaster” that many people are familiar with.
Un Refined Carbohydrates are the ones you want to eat to have production of energy, these also help by maintaining blood sugar levels, so there is no spiking or crashing. This type of Carb also helps by slowing absorption meaning it helps to control your appetite. For this kind of carb you should be eating brown rice, beans, oatmeal, wheat, vegetables, lean meat, barley, lentils, whole grain products.


So if you are like me and crave those carbs, make sure you are making healthy smart choices that will be beneficial to your body. Ask yourself why you are craving this type of food? Is it b/c you have been bingeing lately on junk and your system is trying to tell you there is an addiction forming or are you running low on fuel and need a boost of some good protein, oatmeal or veggies. What ever the reason just be smart and take it one day at a time. 😀

Temper Tantrum Techniques for the Busy and Stressed Parent

Temper Tantrum Techniques


As we are so excited to become parents and share our lives with these little bodies, we also have to learn with some difficult situations. When newborn I have had it both ways, one cried and screamed over everything, and being a baby she could not tell me what was wrong. Lesson Learned about colic and Airways (adenoids and tonsils). Or you can have the perfect little one who sleeps through the night early and is content just watching and observing. I have 3, and the first one was a picky eater from his first breath of life, we had what they called sundowning (he cried the same time of day, daily, in the evening). All and all I learned something new with all of them and I still am. Temper Tantrums are very intense and can be long and drawn out. Many of the experts I have read all comment on how keeping your cool works to defuse the situation.

When tempers flare as a person it can be hard to control your own temper, but as a parent it is vital that you learn to set a good example. Experts all agree that to handle a temper tantrum Time Out is a good tool to use. Removing the child from the stressful situation give them time to think about how they acted and what happen. We, as parents, may also need to take a time out. When your voice gets raised and you feel that anger boil it is best to say I am really upset right now and need a time out myself. Go into another room and take a break, this too will also help diffuse the situation and allow your child to see a good example of how to behave.

Another common tip was to take a breath, step back out of the situation and breathe! Teaching your child to recognize those situations and their own emotions can stop the tantrum before it starts. Talk to them about feelings, what they mean and how it is ok to react when they are mad, sad, scared, etc. As for a parent taking a breath allows us to get our ducks in a row, and calms our fight or flight response. Instead of getting upset and yelling, we can take a breath and decide the best action for the situation.

In teaching your child how to pick up on their emotion you have to teach them how to talk about what they are feeling too. For a little one that can be hard, hard to calm down, and hard to find the right words to make us understand what they are feeling and what they want. One thing I have found that works wonders with my 3 year old is to say “I know you are mad at mommy, I know you did not want to share that toy, but when we go visit them at their home, she shares her toys with you, so when they are here, we share with her.” (for example) I can see his face change as in ok, mom understands. For us parents, when used on occasion, using words can really change the moment. “OK guys Mommy is very upset, I need a moment.” This allows us to validate how we are feeling and gives us a brief break. (again the time out thing).

If you are having trouble understanding your child and have no idea what is going on, try letting them draw it out. Let them tell the story on paper with crayons and they can have a moment, distracts from the situation, and gives them an outlet for their frustration. You on the other hand may want to listen to loud music, go for a run, or even blog about what you have been dealing with. Get creative for both you and your child in how to express your feeling and what is going on in your lives.

Finally my favorite tip I have come across for dealing with temper tantrums is to change the mood. Instead of increasing the tense mood by you getting upset b/c you don’t like they way they are acting or understand why they are throwing a tantrum, change it. Continuing on that path will only exacerbate the situation, instead lighten the mood. I like to go “OH NO, Mommys tickle bugs are coming out, OH NO, here they come.” Distraction, Laughter, is truly the best medicine. When you hear your child laugh, it immediately changes your mood and it lightens your heart. For your child to laugh, they are no longer stuck on what was going on but are focusing on the fun of the moment.

I hope these tips help you out and as always please share and check out my Re-New You Health page on Facebook promoting Health, Happiness, Faith, Family, and Fitness.

Amanda Tiberghien FB

Sugar the Silent Killer

Sugar the Silent Killer

Sugar is a silent killer, from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, diseased gums and teeth, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease and all can be linked to SUGAR consumption! The recommended amounts of sugar to consume daily is 26g or less for adults. People who consume more than this frequently drastically increase their risk of developing one of these diseases.

From my research into sugar I have noticed a few similarities among articles.
Sugar is Addictive
Sugar is Widely Available and Added to our foods
Sugar is Addiction is your choice
First lets look into sugar being addictive. I can tell you from my personal experience that I know I have been and will become addicted to sugar. For me all it takes is a few consistent times of having chocolate or high refined sugar foods for me to crave nothing but sugary foods. All my knowledge of health and fitness will go out the window as my body craves and the brain wants nothing but sugar. As an alcoholic with alcohol, the cravings are there, the mind plays trick on you and if you do not stand guard you may fall victim again. Our brains are set to figure out what is reward and what things bring pain. It is pretty simple, when we eat sugar, we feel a brief high and our brains relate that to rewards. Sugar is a dense calorie food that causes the brain to release dopamine and after so many times your brain becomes numb to the dopamine receptors and you no longer feel satisfied and want something sweeter.

As for Sugar being widely available and overly used, that is partially due to business wanting to make money and sell a lot of product. Sugar is fairly cheap and companies can add it to their products to make them a little sweeter, lets say, or another words it is a cheap way for them to make their product more desirable. Sugar has so many names that it can be hidden on labels, so consumers have no idea what they are ingesting. I won’t attempt to list all the names but here are a few. Sugar is in everything from cereal, beans, chicken broth, well pretty much any canned foods. Drinks are another form that have hidden sugars in them, sport drinks, juices, milk, soda, all have sugar.

sugar names

If you actually try to go by the recommended guidelines of the Heart Association, you will begin to notice how sugar has slowly made its way into everything and your best bet is to eat fresh and clean. Sugar is an addiction and you can overcome the urge and desires by eating healthier foods you personally prepare. In todays world we opt out to much to go for what is easiest, not what is healthiest. Limit your processed foods and focus on health of your family. If you need help there are people out there are who strive to help you reach your goals, fitness coaches, nutritionist, the help is there you just have to reach out for it. I personally am one of these people addicted to sugar and I am also a fitness coach and will love to have the opportunity to chat with you to give you some tips to get your life healthier and cleaner. You can change and you can help your family. As the parents we do the grocery shopping so it is no ones fault but our own, if our children become addicted to sugar. Lead by example and if you need help, reach out for it, there are people here to help.
God Bless

Contact me
Re-New You Health on Facebook, or Amanda Tiberghien

Thinking of Dieting, Well Do NOT Eliminate all Your Fats

I know when you think you are fat, well then you think you need to cut out all the fat in your diet. Well what seems like logic is a big mistake that will cause you to not achieve your goal.  Your body needs healthy fats and will actually strive off of them.

AvocadoThere are Different Types of Fat
1) Bad fats like saturated fats are high in cholesterol another unhelathy fat are partially hydrogenated oils.
2) Good fats like fish oils which are high in the omega 3, 6, and 9, that help your body and mind.

Your body needs all of these good fats in order to function properly. For example, they are used for proper brain function, heart and joint health, and even with  hormones (including the muscle building/fat loss ones like testosterone and growth hormone).  Without the good fats, the body simply does not work properly, fat loss stops and a variety of health problems can arise.

So How much Fat do you Need, Well??
I like to add 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil per meal in vegetables.  Or you can add it to your smoothie or Shakeology (which has healthy fats in it already).

If you do not like olive oil or salmon, eat grilled meats and vegetables but get in another source of good fats. For example have nuts, consume a couple servings of almonds, walnuts or cashews twice a day with any of your meals.  You can also add 2 teaspoons of fish oils or flax seed oil to shakes and smoothies.

Don’t think of dieting as limiting or restricting your foods but rather think of YOU making healthier choices.  Make a new way of Life that makes you feel better, healthier and happier.

Hope I inspired at least one person to enjoy life in a new light.  God Bless.

ABS are Made in the Kitchen

Unfortunately for me, ABS are made in the kitchen. I can do workouts daily and even kick in a few extra but the truth is I will not get the ABS I want until I stop eating sporadically. I do watch what I eat but I also eat too much sometimes and too often. My eating is really an emotional tactic for me. If I am stressed then my eating will go from pretty clean to consuming a large quantity of carbs. Also when stressed your body released Cortical which will help you hold onto that belly blubber. This is not such a good thing, rather contradictory for what I am trying to accomplish.
I do not diet, I try to eat as clean as possible most days, but as stated before when things go array I look for other food. I do keep most processed food restricted but also they make it into the house during Christmas, Birthdays, Easter and other times.

I am going to follow the 21 day fix, every time I do, I get to feeling so much better and the bloat goes away. Protein and Vegetables will be my main consumption for the next 21 days. Right now I am also addicted to sugar so I will be eliminating all refined sugar out of my diet as well.

21 Day Fix Extreme Details

21 Day Fix Extreme Details

21 Day Fix is such a great program that many clients prefer to start their journey here.  You get your workout DVD’s, Nutrition Guides, Containers, Bonus DVD, Support Group and Beachbody Website Access, (depending on which deal you decide on).  With the program you get a mix of workouts for Cardio, Strength Training, Abs, Plus learning how and what you should be consuming, no counting calories or measuring foods, and still much more.  People have had such great results with the 21 Day Fix that Beachbody teamed up with Autumn Calabrese, the Celebrity trainer for this program, again for the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  The Extreme Version is a little more intense than the 21 Day Fix.  In this aspect I would recommend that you start with the first version and then up your challenge to the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  Anyone can start with the 21 Day Fix, there are such paths to take that can vary to your fitness levels.  If you are a beginner there is a modifier and Autumn goes over what to do if you feel you need more to eat.  For those looking for a challenge this also is a great workout to change things up and still push your limits.  Below I will be posting the links to the programs just so you can find them a little easier for purchase to start or continue your journey with Beachbody.

21 day result

21 Day Fix Extreme Base Pack without Containers

21 Day Fix Extreme Base Kit with Containers-USA

21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack for Customer-USA

21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme Combo-USA

21 Day Fix Extreme Ultimate Kit

21 Day Fix Kickstart Challenge Pack

21 Day Fix Extreme Combo Pack

Check Out Beachbody Website and have me as your FREE Coach


Vegetable Tips and Smarts

I love my Veggies when they are done properly.   Vegetables are so important to your nutrition, full of vitamins and minerals.   Most of the time raw veggies is easiest and the best for you, but if you are going to cook them then you might want to view some tips I have researched.

*Do not get intimidated or try to over complicate.

*Dry Vegetables thoroughly and cut into similar sizes to ensure even cooking.

*When Sauteing heat your pan with high heat first, once oil starts shimmering is when you should add your vegetables.

*Roasting Veggies caramelizes the natural sugars, bringing out their sweetness and diminishing any  bitterness.  If you want a crunch to your veggies this is how, the sugar caramelizes on the surface, giving you a crunch and sweetness.

*To get those Golden Brown results, lightly coat in oil (lightly, do not overuse that will dis-flavor and cause unneccessary calories).  Spread the Veggies in a layer on a large sheet pan, stir occasionally during roasting.

Ways to Tackle the Stress in your Life

STRESS, stress is part of life and we all have it, wanted or not…. Some feed from stress and can operate at a higher level when in stress situations. And the rest of us just want to eat stress away, which does nothing but cause us more stress later. What life all boils down to is how you handle stress/life. You can train your body/mind to deal with stress in a practical manner, but it is not going to be easy but rather a test of how committed you are to living an easier going life.
First you need to train your mind and body how to relax and take stress a little at a time. I know you have heard “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff” I actually have the book, but reading it and applying it in your life is two different things. Stress is a part of life so we might as well figure out our way to dealing or handling it. What works for me may not work for you, but here are a few tips I would give you.
Surround yourself with family and friends, people who truly know you, you secrets and deep fears. Surround yourself with positive people, caring, loving people, this atmosphere is contagious and can settle your stress down. At the moment a situation can feel so Overwhelming or seem Important, but after a cool down period with a good friend or chat with a family member the whole situation, your thought process will change. Avoid Alcohol though that will only intensify your attitude and can make it all worse once you are at a state of sobriety.
One of my favorite ways to release some stress is to WORKOUT, yep get in a sweaty, hard workout. Fitness is a good way to relieve some stress, exercise helps you to release happy hormones. Go for a walk, jog, play basketball with some friends or like I do put in Shaun T dvd and push play. Insanity, T25 and Insanity Max 30 are my go to workouts when I am stressing, I then feel so much better after and can calmly address the issue that is stressing me.
Emotional Eating is another way people deal with stress, and if I let myself I am one of them. However this is not a healthy way to deal with stress. Once you are done gorging on chocolate or your favorite treat, then you are just mad at yourself b/c of all that crap you just shoved into your body. This way of relieving stress is self-destructive and Does Not Work…. So when you are HANGRY!!! Don’t rush to McDonalds or to the Chocolate Bin go for something healthy and give your body the nutrients it needs to deal with the stress. During stress your immune system can become weakened, so I go for my Shakeology. Why, well it is healthy, benefits my body, mind, immune system, and fitness soul.
Stress is constant, taking care of my family, dinner, diapers, business, family fueds, on and on. Yes I would get stressed daily and I try to do plenty to take care of myself (workout, eat right, family time) but one thing I do wrong is SLEEP. Rest is so important to our bodies, muscles, brain. So take the time to get in atleast 6-8 hours of sleep a night, rest, recover and do yourself some good. So tomorrow you can deal with the stress that comes your way. Listen to your body and take care of yourself, this body is the only one you get.
Stress is Life but you don’t have to Live you Life all Stressed Out. “Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life. They have strenghtened you as you continue with your journey.” I hope this has helped someone and I wish you all well. God Bless

stressed daily and I try to do plenty to take care of myself (workout, eat right, family time) but one thing I do wrong is SLEEP. Rest is so important to our bodies, muscles, brain. So take the time to get in atleast 6-8 hours of sleep a night, rest, recover and do yourself some good. So tomorrow you can deal with the stress that comes your way. Listen to your body and take care of yourself, this body is the only one you get.
Stress is Life but you don’t have to Live you Life all Stressed Out. “Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life. They have strenghtened you as you continue with your journey.” I hope this has helped someone and I wish you all well. God Bless

Calorie and Exercise Mood Enhancers or Destroyers

Ever notice how your mood changes drastically day-to-day when you are watching your calories or limiting you foods. I am one of those people who want to eat Pizza like the rest of the family, but then comes the guilt and regret. Unfortunately I am one who just has to avoid these instances b/c if I start eating what I have deemed as “Not supposed to,” then I tend to way over eat. All of this boils down to my mood and then how I will be snappier with the rest of the family. My husband will bring home ice cream for the kids and that won’t bother me, but put cookie dough in the fridge and that is torture. I will think of it 50 times a day and have to fight myself on whether I am going to cave or hold strong.
So I used to think if you just ate less and exercised hard and long then you would be on the right track and lose weight. To me that was being healthy and doing what was necessary to lose the weight and get the body I wanted. Well that is not true, and I was so wrong. It is known that when you are “hangry” (hungry and angry) this can be due to lack of calories. Your brain chemistry affects your mood, which is affected by you not eating. A recent study in Biological Psychiatry noted that when you’re hungry, levels of the brain chemical serotonin — a neurotransmitter that regulates mood as well as appetite and sleep — fluctuate and make it difficult to control your anger. Turns out, being famished goes hand in hand with being frazzled. When researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, put women on a 1,200-calorie-a-day diet, they found that test subjects produced more of the stress hormone cortisol and reported higher levels of perceived stress. (fitness mag) Calorie intake depends on each individual’s body chemistry and activity levels. Make sure you know the amount of calories you should be having daily to be healthy and remember that exercise is good for you and your mood but not to over do it.
I used to go to the gym and workout for 3 hours at a time, leaving tired and accomplished but than later feeling like I needed to do it all over again. Your muscles need time to re-coop, to re build so you can become stronger and leaner. If you do intense workouts pushing too hard and lasting for a long time, then you are doing your body more damage then good. . “A workout that is too rigorous or lasts longer than 60 minutes can dramatically decrease blood sugar, which can affect mood and the ability to think clearly for days,” says Michele S. Olson, PhD, a FITNESS advisory board member and professor of exercise science at Auburn University in Montgomery, Alabama.
Another diet I used to do was limiting or cutting out any and all Carbs. Not necessarily the best way to go if you are trying to better your mood and be sane. My body would have withdrawals/cravings of nothing but sugar and grains. In fitness magazine I read that “people who followed low carb diets had higher scores on “anger hostility, depression, bewilderment” scales then those who followed low-fat diets.” Honestly right now I am going through a sugar hangover, I binge on sugar/carbs all weekend for a birthday and now that is all my body is craving, and I do not have the will and energy to get through my workouts like I was before the sugar high. Sugar is addicting, it stimulates areas in the brain linked to pleasure and addiction. So my journey to health, takes a new turn and I am back to avoiding situations where I may cave to sugar.
So what I have found is to feel good, be positive and get results you have to do the research and what works for you. I need to avoid foods that I seem to have less will power over, meaning let family and friends know that for Christmas it would be best not to make candies this year, or to have them removed from my house. Tell my husband to not be bringing home sugar snacks that I have a hard time with, the kids do not need them anyway. To figure out my correct calorie level depending on what workout I am doing at the moment. For instance if I am doing Insanity I will need more calories than if I am doing 21 day fix program. Finally you need to have a balance and variety of foods that you provide your body with. Omega 3 fats, carbs, Veggies, Fruits, nuts, healthy alternatives to the snack machines, these are all nutrients that need to be considered in my daily journey. No be healthy is not the easiest in the world, but I will say that even though each day may be a new battle I am ready and willing to keep striving for Health. One day at a time, One meal at a time, One workout at a time
I will get the body I deserve and the mind/mood that will keep me at my Goal. I love my workouts and without them my family would not like my mood, and I would be stressed constantly.  I hope this will help someone to start their Health Journey or during their adventure, keep up the good fight. Health is a Lifestyle not a diet, What doesn’t Challenge you won’t Change you. God Bless
you body with. Omega 3 fats, carbs, Veggies, Fruits, nuts, healthy alternatives to the snack machines, these are all nutrients that need to be considered in my daily journey. No be healthy is not the easiest in the world, but I will say that even though each day may be a new battle I am ready and willing to keep striving for Health. One day at a time, One meal at a time, One workout at a time
I will get the body I deserve and the mind/mood that will keep me at my Goal. I hope this will help someone to start their Health Journey or during their adventure, keep up the good fight. Health is a Lifestyle not a diet, What doesn’t Challenge you won’t Change you. God Bless